Trap & Kill Virus

Trap & Kill Virus is a fun, challenging and addictive game. It’s for people of all ages to play while we are all inside, across the world, in a lockdown. In this game, you must use your spider to build webs across the screen and occupy screen space with those webs. Construct webs across the required amount to progress through the various levels of the game. Seems simple? This game is far from it. While you build webs across the screen, you must beware of the other virus roaming freely on the screen, if they touch your web while they roam freely, you lose a life. You are given a limited amount of lives and if you exhaust them all, you must start over. It’s important to keep in mind that distance is the best safeguard against Coronavirus.

Trap & Kill Virus has some great game dynamics which bring out the best of the game. While you toil hard to occupy the prerequisite screen space, the game requires you to be vigilant and analyse each move while watching the movement of the other virus on the screen. As you progress further, the game gets even tougher, with faster virus and more screen percentage required to be webbed. All this makes the game real challenging and addictive.

A standout feature of the game is the eerie background score, the sound effects too, are well incorporated into the theme of the game. All this adds depth to the game.

Tip: Start making all your webs from the edges, they are easy to occupy and does not have a lot of virus.

You can play Trap & Kill Virus here.