Avid Online Gamer? Now you can Play & Earn with Gamezop

Our fascination with games and gaming has spanned over the centuries. However, when it comes to the digital platform, it is something that has started a little over half a century ago. Now, it is one of the biggest industries in the world. It has taken the entertainment world by storm.

Avid Online Gamer? Now you can Play & Earn with Gamezop

Our fascination with games and gaming has spanned over the centuries. However, when it comes to the digital platform, it is something that has started a little over half a century ago. Now, it is one of the biggest industries in the world. It has taken the entertainment world by storm. From its humble beginning with 2D games, it has grown leaps and bounds especially with the technical advances that booms in parallel. According to a stat by WePC, the Asia Pacific region reached a revenue of 51.2 billion U.S. dollars, making them the largest gaming market in 2017. The video games market is expected to be worth over 90 billion US dollars by the year 2020. The driving force behind these numbers is primarily because of its sheer audience and network of users. The latest stat indicates that are over 2.5 billion video gamers from around the world. In India, it is the teens and young adults that have embraced this global wave with about 198 million in 2015 which is expected to hit over 628 million in 2020 according to statistica.

The Transition: We are living in the post-modern era, to be more specific, the digital and technology age. It is only but natural to be at the forefront. This is nothing new, we have had games on the mobile since its inception. Remember the early days with games like snake, Tetris, space invaders among others. Seems nostalgic right? Well, now we have far advanced to include AI related games as well. However, with the advances come the many challenges in hosting the devices. Most of the games in this day and age are heavy that can only be accessed in specific devices with a particular set of configuration. This automatically decreases the crowd to only a few and mostly to full-time gamers.

Introducing Gamezop (include partners): With this in mind, we took a step back to address this particular issue in the industry. This eventually started a thought process to develop an application where users can play anywhere, anytime on the most preferred device, the mobile. It is no doubt that we are living in the mobile and smartphone age. Which meant naturally that any development in the industry should be invested on the mobile. That is exactly what Gamezop does, we are mobile app-focused and social network for casual games, with users given new games on a weekly basis, which can then be played without the need to download the same. Gamezop is an end to end solution for HTML5 games. We are building a platform to make gaming reach the point that is accessible to anyone. In today’s on-demand economy, users want their services and they want it now. Our HTML5 game portal paves the way for anytime, anywhere gaming for users.

Gamezop App: Our in-house app has some of the best casual games on 1 app! Play the latest games from top developers on a single app, meaning you don’t need to install each game individually. We have got 100+ latest casual games to keep our users entertained on the go. Each user will be given a handful of new games each week, which can be played without downloading. The highlight of our app is its social layer: users will be able to share games with friends as links, whether or not they are using the app, and challenge them. Users can now share these games over any social medium with friends and family. What’s more, the games can also be played offline.

We believe in partnerships as well, Gamezop is available for publishers to host on their platform. As a partnership, we share the revenue so our success is their success as well. We are on several platforms including top browsers such as UC Browser and other top apps.

We are now on AppBrowzer:  We recently partnered with AppBrowzer to reach a wider audience and bring the revolution of playing and earning at the same time. AppBrowzer is a one-stop revolutionary all in one app that allows users to search, discover, and access multiple EXPRESS APPS, all from one app! You can download the app on Google play store.